Grandmother Successfully Reduces Average Blood Sugar Levels by 300 Points


My son came to the realization that he doesn't have to shoulder the burden alone to be a caring, protective, and supportive son.


Name: May

Time since enrollment: 15 months

Age: 55

Gender: Female

Concerns: Blood Sugar, hypertension, stroke, broken wrist, polycystic kidneys, kidney transplant, parathyroid surgery, fungus in the liver, kidney, spine, and chest.

  • Blood Sugar Levels Reduced from 500-600 to 200s.
  • Drinking 64 ounces of Water Daily.
  • From not taking medication to 100% adherence.
  • 1085 minutes saved in healthcare management.

How We Achieved This:

May, a courageous 55-year-old woman with multiple complex health conditions, embarked on a transformative journey to better health, guided and supported by MySeema. Before joining the platform, May faced daunting challenges with high blood sugar levels ranging from 500s to 600s, hypertension, a history of stroke, polycystic kidneys, and various other medical issues.

However, after 15 months with MySeema, her health showed remarkable progress across multiple indicators.

One of the primary focuses of May's care was blood sugar management. Thanks to the dedicated guidance and support from MySeema, her blood sugar levels significantly improved, consistently staying below 250. Additionally, her blood pressure stabilized, contributing to an overall enhancement in her well-being.

Throughout her journey, May diligently followed the recommendations provided by her caring MySeema team. She prioritized her health by adhering to her medication regimen, regularly monitoring her blood pressure and sugar levels, and adopting a mindful approach to her diet. This involved incorporating more greens, eliminating sugar from her diet, and staying well-hydrated by drinking 64 ounces of water daily.

May's commitment to her health extended beyond medical management. She embraced an active lifestyle, taking on daily chores independently, pursuing mental health goals through talk therapy, and even authoring a book. Her determination to live independently was evident in her efforts to travel and engage in activities that brought her joy and fulfillment.

MySeema played a vital role in May's improved health outcomes by ensuring she received all necessary screenings and promptly addressing any concerning trends in her health indicators. Moreover, MySeema arranged physical and occupational therapy to aid in her recovery after a fall and provided invaluable support during her wrist surgery. By managing all health-related matters, MySeema saved her and her son over 24 hours of valuable time.

Effective communication between MySeema, May, and her guardian was pivotal in her care management. Regular updates, appointment summaries, medication lists, and reminders were shared to ensure everyone involved was on the same page. This level of coordination and collaboration fostered a deep sense of trust and confidence in the care provided.

May's case is a shining example of the positive impact of personalized care management offered by MySeema. By addressing her complex medical needs, coordinating her care, and empowering her to take an active role in her health, MySeema supported May in achieving remarkable improvements in her overall well-being. Her inspiring journey serves as a testament to the importance of compassionate and tailored healthcare support.

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